I simply couldn't resist today at the Sunday morning truffle market in the tiny village of Saint-Paul Trois Chateaux, about 30-minutes from our farmhouse in Provence. The entire village is extremely organized, with just a handful of farmer-merchants but what truffles! All the truffle sellers meet in the town square cafe around 9 am each Sunday from late November to March. They are required to present each and every truffle for "review," to make sure they are authentic French truffles (not cheap Chinese imposters). The farmers emerge from the cafe a little after 10 am, set their scales up on tables set around the square's fountain, and sales begin. For 6 euros one can enjoy a sampling of delicious truffle ravioli with a glass of local wine. Best breakfast ever! This is the largest truffle I ever purchased, a full 250 grams, or 8 ounces. At 900 euros a kilo, you can do the math. My students will be spoiled this week, as we begin our Truffle Extravagana tomorrow night.